Amplifying Customer Segmentation for Maximizing Insights with Structured

Let's delve deeper into how Structured can transform your customer segmentation process, using a retail company as an example.

 min. read
May 23, 2024
Amplifying Customer Segmentation for Maximizing Insights with Structured

Amplifying Customer Segmentation for Maximizing Insights with Structured:

Customer segmentation is crucial for businesses to tailor their marketing efforts and improve customer experiences. Structured offers powerful tools to help growth teams identify high-value customers and optimize resource allocation. Let's explore how Structured can transform your customer segmentation process.

Use Case Scenario & Process:

A retail company seeks to determine which consumer segments yield the highest profits so that they can adjust their marketing strategies appropriately.  With Structured, there will be real-time financial analytics, sales data, and customer behavior analysis.

Data Integration

The retail company uses Structured to combine sales data, CRM, and website analytics. Structured connects seamlessly with the company's CRM system, pulling in detailed customer profiles, including demographic information, purchase history, and customer service interactions. This comprehensive data set forms the backbone of their customer analysis.

The retail company integrates their point-of-sale (POS) systems and e-commerce platforms. This integration provides Structured with transaction data, allowing the analysis of purchase frequency, average order value, and product preferences.

Behavior Analysis

They examine past purchases, browsing patterns, and interactions with customers using Structured's user-friendly interface. Structured analyzes individual customer purchase histories, identifying trends such as the types of products frequently bought together, seasonal purchasing patterns, and average spending per transaction.

Structured examines how customers interact with the company’s website. Metrics like pages visited, time spent on product pages, and abandoned shopping carts are analyzed to understand customer interests and pain points.


Structured divides up its clientele into groups according to profitability, spending trends, and patterns of behavior. Structured identifies customers based on their spending levels, such as high spenders, moderate spenders, and budget-conscious buyers.

Each group can be targeted with tailored promotions and discounts.The company learns which segments are most valuable and how to successfully target them.


By focusing its marketing efforts on high-value markets, the company is able to grow revenues and foster client loyalty. They reduce guesswork and make data-driven decisions that increase profitability by utilizing Structured. Real-time insights enable the company to continuously refine its strategies, ensuring they stay aligned with customer needs and market trends.

In summary, Structured streamlines the client segmentation process and gives growth teams practical insights to maximize marketing endeavors. Businesses may efficiently target high-value clients and spur growth using real-time data analysis.